Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Right Thinking

Good Morning, my name is John Caple.
I enjoy discussing politics. My goal in this continuing effort is to bring information, that I find interesting, to you in an unbiased manner. I certainly have my own opinions, but the purpose is to allow you to gain a modicum of knowledge that will help you to shape your own opinion. The proposed mosque in or near (depending on your perspective) Ground Zero is a very important subject. This issue has far greater repercussions than most folks one hand, freedom of religion is a critical element that makes this country unique. Our Founding Fathers made sure that we will have an opportunity to practice whatever religion we choose as long as we don't restrict the rights of others. However. common sense and compassion should be included in the decision to build a Muslim mosque in the immediate area that destroyed nearly 3,000 innocent lives. Some say that radical Muslims were responsible, some say that Muslimism itself is is a religion that is not diferentiated from government. Shariah law dictates the actions of the Muslims. Jihad, the holy war, is widespread throught out Muslimism. I have worked with many Muslims in the construction game in Las Vegas and found them, for the most part, to be good solid citizens. But, there is a radical element that has been outspoken in conquering the world and they are attempting to achieve their goal one place at a time. According to William J. Federer, author of "What every American needs to know about the Quran: A History of Islam and the United States," Muslims have been building victory mosques in prominent spots since 630 AD.…/. Whether there is the intent of the Muslims to build a victory mosque in Ground Zero, or an attempt to share diversity in a location that has devastated innocent lives is a difficult issue. We do believe in freedom for all, but should we allow the desires of one group to trump the heartache of another? The New York Daily news seems to think so.

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