It's time for that pesky ol' mid term elections. Usually, during periods of reasonable contentment within the ranks of the electorate, the majority party fairly well stays in power....but, the unknown reef that lies dead ahead is soon to topple the mast of the Democratic Party's control, that exists in our legislative branch. The Republicans are subject to the backlash as well. The folks are tiring of the liberal mentality and if you walk like a matter which political affiliation...walking is the key word, right out the door, to join the rest of the fifteen million unemployed souls in America today.
Conservative Americans want their country back. We, as a nation, are founded on principles of individual responsibility, hard work, opportunity for all and the greatest concept that draws legitimate immigration into this Great Land is the spirit of entrepreneurialship. If you have an idea to better produce, create anew or serve your fellow man, in America of old, you could just run with the concept and have a good chance of being successful. In todays boondoggle of bureaucratic entanglements, the normal hurdles that one needs to overcome are intensified with excessive government control. The Tea Party voters are speaking loud and long across this nation. The Blue Dog Democrats who waffled on the Health Care Bill are going over the side as the ship is rapidly heading for impact. The results are not in as yet, but the House of Representatives has a good chance of becoming led by conservatives, not just Republicans, but old school conservatives...and many of this new "breed" are wearing skirts. It's about time we hear from some common sense people. I believe it was Hirohito that said that he feared that the bombing of Pearl Harbor had awakened a sleeping giant. The mishandling of our precious tax dollars by the "Progressives" have awakened a very large group of concerned citizens. Let's hope that when they do take control of the floor, that we will never have to hear quotes from Nancy"Let's pass the bill first so that we can see what's in it," Pelosi again. Millions of Americans do know what's in "it". Millions of Americans know who is sailing the ship and they know it will soon run aground. Let's just see if the winds will change and that there will be clear sailing for the America that we all love and respect...the greatest nation that this world has ever known.
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