Friday, October 29, 2010

Throw the Rascals Out

It's four days until we can tell if the American people have been really awakened by the overwhelming onslaught of "Big Government" into their daily lives. The current administration and Congress have passed an extremely expensive Health Care Bill without knowing what was in it and that will burden us with excessive costs for generations. We may even be fined if we don't comply. We will pay for at least four years to see any benefit, if there is a benefit. That's still up for debate. They have continued to spend our money on so-called job creation, that has proven weak at best. And, our dear president is trying to promote another 50 billion dollars in transportation improvement, to create jobs even though the previous 40 billion dollars did nothing to get workers off the couch and on the job.
The big question is, will the politicians that are soon to be voted in, be in any way more cost conscious with our hard earned dollars? Will they be able to wright the sinking the boat going to float? Will the conservative element, who allegedly has a platform that is in direct contrast to the big government mentality of the powers that be, use that opportunity to shrink the growing menace, trim taxes to afford the business community at least a modicum of breathing room and bring some real hope and change to the American people.
Mr. Johnson in the NY Times argues that tax cuts were detrimental to the economy because it created over consumption...more borrowing...that's like saying we should sue Mickey Dee's because we are too fat...when you cut taxes, people build businesses...prosperity grows. True fiscal conservatives know this approach. Britain's new conservative parliament is just about ready to axe the spending...we must also. This economy is floundering in a mire of debt.
This election is crucial for our well being as a thriving nation. Should the pollsters be accurate and the conservatives prevail, then by gum, be a true conservative congress...quit spending...get tuff!! cut programs to the bone...force folks to be responsible, from the politicians to the shop keeper... reimplement the true American Spirit. Hard work, frugal living, honest days pay for an honest days effort and by rekindling integrity into our day to day activities, we will reawaken the Great American Eagle once more....we shall see. Get out and cast your ballot, it's crucial to our revered way of life.

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