Sunday, November 28, 2010

Will the Damage Continue?

The Lame Duck session of Congress is in full swing. There are three major issues that can cause this country great harm if the powers that be get their way....Taxes are number one. Extend Bush's tax cuts. If the taxes are lowered, it will accomplish two main goals. It will show that Pres. Obama and his minions understand basic economics, which will boost confidence in the business world and it will increase the tax base as investments grow. The second issue is the "dream" bill. As much as I think that we need to tighten our borders and send all 20 million illegals packing, the bill is just a hidden ploy to get a national ID implemented, which is far removed from anything the American people deem appropriate. The third problem that is hanging in the balance is S510...the food safety bill. Here again, there is a hidden agenda in what looks like a good idea, since there was a huge salmonella outbreak in the egg industry, but the government just wants more control. They are seeking the kind of control that could jeopardize our ability to produce and transport food on small scale operations. The regulation requirement could be too costly for the family run outlets to be able to compete with the huge corporate operations.
The word in talk radio and on the more conservative side of the media is that this session will be ineffective on all counts, but never rule out the cunning of Reid, Pelosi and Schumer...If they do pass these and other controversial legislative actions, we can only hope that the newly elected will do as they claim they will...remove, alter and quash any previous bills that will damage our tried and true American ideals....
Our only hope is in the system that was created by intelligent men who had devine foresight to create a document that established the greatest and most successful form of government the world has ever known...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Are We Awakened, Yet?

One of the major ketchup companies ran an advertising campaign a few years ago that expressed the hope of finding the desired flavor in the ever so slow first drop of the product upon whatever foodstuff was patiently awaiting..."anticipation" was sung in the background... a clip from Carly Simon's hit tune....
A majority of American citizens are feeling the same type of anticipation...hoping to gain some confidence in the newly elected legislative body. The confidence in the president's ability to guide us in a positive direction has been floundering just under the mid-mark. The Congress on the other hand is in the proverbial tank...less than a third of our nation has even a hint of confidence in those that create laws in this land of law and order...
The Tea Party folks flocked to the polls and elected about 100 new faces to reinstate cherished values into the doldrum known as Capitol Hill. The electorate feared for the basic security known as American freedom, rallied around the country in peaceful, but fervent protest and supported candidates who espoused the tried and true mantra of red-blooded Americanism. The voting booths ran red with Republican chads, dashes, dots and any other electoral mark that would denote conservative ideology. The battle cry of liberty reverberated through the hinterlands and awakened the fervor that was reminiscent of the patriots that founded this great country.
What Now?...are we going to see some positive legislation that reinstates liberties, reduces government influence in our personal lives and businesses and curtails the ever burgeoning debt? Are we going to see some legitimate political action that is based on what is really good for all of America, rather than agendized for a select few? Are we going to see capitalism reinstated as the most reasonable form of economic prosperity, rather than the irksome socialist mentality that has drained the coffers of the federal government, the states and the entrepreneurial spirit? The anticipation is resounding all over the world. Economies of other nations are counting on our can-do attitude to clean up this mess. This country has the most generous philanthropic kindness that has ever been known.
If the influx of the newly elected will just be good honest people who set an example of trust and teach sound principles of personal responsibility, the anticipation will be rewarded with prosperity and deep, well earned pride for all Americans....

Friday, October 29, 2010

Throw the Rascals Out

It's four days until we can tell if the American people have been really awakened by the overwhelming onslaught of "Big Government" into their daily lives. The current administration and Congress have passed an extremely expensive Health Care Bill without knowing what was in it and that will burden us with excessive costs for generations. We may even be fined if we don't comply. We will pay for at least four years to see any benefit, if there is a benefit. That's still up for debate. They have continued to spend our money on so-called job creation, that has proven weak at best. And, our dear president is trying to promote another 50 billion dollars in transportation improvement, to create jobs even though the previous 40 billion dollars did nothing to get workers off the couch and on the job.
The big question is, will the politicians that are soon to be voted in, be in any way more cost conscious with our hard earned dollars? Will they be able to wright the sinking the boat going to float? Will the conservative element, who allegedly has a platform that is in direct contrast to the big government mentality of the powers that be, use that opportunity to shrink the growing menace, trim taxes to afford the business community at least a modicum of breathing room and bring some real hope and change to the American people.
Mr. Johnson in the NY Times argues that tax cuts were detrimental to the economy because it created over consumption...more borrowing...that's like saying we should sue Mickey Dee's because we are too fat...when you cut taxes, people build businesses...prosperity grows. True fiscal conservatives know this approach. Britain's new conservative parliament is just about ready to axe the spending...we must also. This economy is floundering in a mire of debt.
This election is crucial for our well being as a thriving nation. Should the pollsters be accurate and the conservatives prevail, then by gum, be a true conservative congress...quit spending...get tuff!! cut programs to the bone...force folks to be responsible, from the politicians to the shop keeper... reimplement the true American Spirit. Hard work, frugal living, honest days pay for an honest days effort and by rekindling integrity into our day to day activities, we will reawaken the Great American Eagle once more....we shall see. Get out and cast your ballot, it's crucial to our revered way of life.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Confused?....Join the Ranks

In my personal sojourn in the business world, I have had to have money...or assets, in order to function in a profitable manner. Start up requires cash as equity or as maintenance requires sales or income of some description...or debt. But, there comes a time when your supportive investors, or lenders "throw in the towel." You as an entrepreneur, no matter how much you want your idea to grow into something viable, cannot function on hope alone. The concept must be profitable at some point in time. My cause for confusion is that these business principles have not been followed by our government for many years, hence the National debt. None, I repeat none of the government projects have ever been profitable, nor were they designed to be. It would be at least noteworthy if they just broke even. What I would enjoy learning is where does the rampant spending stop...and it will one day, because the income comes from us. The mule will only pull a limited load...he will quit. He will pull no more, until you lighten the load.
The American tax payer doesn't mind paying taxes that he or she can afford and can see some results. According to CBS News, the Obama administration has increased the National debt by 2 trillion in less than two years.
What has this excessive expenditure given to us who bear the burden? Better highways? Tighter border control? More food for the hungry? More jobs?? Comfort, security...hope? There is some evidence, but not conclusive on any count...the money is disappearing faster than cockroaches at the hint of first light...with no significant advantages...we are losing our beloved space program....trimming military installations during a dangerous time in our sovereignty.
The Bush tax cuts are soon to be repealed, possibly. A family making $60,000 per year, is already paying about 15 percent...or about $9,000 per year, before deductions. If the Bush tax cuts are rescinded, just add about $1,500 to the bill. That's a good chunk of cash. Why not let us spend that money and do something good with it. Buy something that will promote the capitalst system that has made this country what it is, or supposed to be today. Let us perpetuate the market. Let us spend our money as we see fit...we don't see anything good happening with the current spending procedures...
Here's a novel idea....why don't we just exercise our right to vote and clean out the House and Senate....get some fresh ideas from people who have been bearing the burden of excessive taxation without any benefit to our society....
Try may just like the outcome...God Bless America...we need all the help we can get.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jumping Ship

They say that history repeats days of yore, when a sailing ship was on the verge of sinking, everyone on board would leap over the side rather than be drawn down into the sea as the vessel created a draft that would take all those near it into the depths...even the rats were smart enough to "abandon ship." The Obama administration has been sailing with the mainsail quartered into the wind, in uncharted waters for nearly two years. They are becoming aware of the danger that lurks ahead. The Tea Party folks are not bashful in noting the dilemma that huge waves of spending have been creating.
It's time for that pesky ol' mid term elections. Usually, during periods of reasonable contentment within the ranks of the electorate, the majority party fairly well stays in power....but, the unknown reef that lies dead ahead is soon to topple the mast of the Democratic Party's control, that exists in our legislative branch. The Republicans are subject to the backlash as well. The folks are tiring of the liberal mentality and if you walk like a matter which political affiliation...walking is the key word, right out the door, to join the rest of the fifteen million unemployed souls in America today.
Conservative Americans want their country back. We, as a nation, are founded on principles of individual responsibility, hard work, opportunity for all and the greatest concept that draws legitimate immigration into this Great Land is the spirit of entrepreneurialship. If you have an idea to better produce, create anew or serve your fellow man, in America of old, you could just run with the concept and have a good chance of being successful. In todays boondoggle of bureaucratic entanglements, the normal hurdles that one needs to overcome are intensified with excessive government control. The Tea Party voters are speaking loud and long across this nation. The Blue Dog Democrats who waffled on the Health Care Bill are going over the side as the ship is rapidly heading for impact. The results are not in as yet, but the House of Representatives has a good chance of becoming led by conservatives, not just Republicans, but old school conservatives...and many of this new "breed" are wearing skirts. It's about time we hear from some common sense people. I believe it was Hirohito that said that he feared that the bombing of Pearl Harbor had awakened a sleeping giant. The mishandling of our precious tax dollars by the "Progressives" have awakened a very large group of concerned citizens. Let's hope that when they do take control of the floor, that we will never have to hear quotes from Nancy"Let's pass the bill first so that we can see what's in it," Pelosi again. Millions of Americans do know what's in "it". Millions of Americans know who is sailing the ship and they know it will soon run aground. Let's just see if the winds will change and that there will be clear sailing for the America that we all love and respect...the greatest nation that this world has ever known.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Right Thinking

Good Morning, my name is John Caple.
I enjoy discussing politics. My goal in this continuing effort is to bring information, that I find interesting, to you in an unbiased manner. I certainly have my own opinions, but the purpose is to allow you to gain a modicum of knowledge that will help you to shape your own opinion. The proposed mosque in or near (depending on your perspective) Ground Zero is a very important subject. This issue has far greater repercussions than most folks one hand, freedom of religion is a critical element that makes this country unique. Our Founding Fathers made sure that we will have an opportunity to practice whatever religion we choose as long as we don't restrict the rights of others. However. common sense and compassion should be included in the decision to build a Muslim mosque in the immediate area that destroyed nearly 3,000 innocent lives. Some say that radical Muslims were responsible, some say that Muslimism itself is is a religion that is not diferentiated from government. Shariah law dictates the actions of the Muslims. Jihad, the holy war, is widespread throught out Muslimism. I have worked with many Muslims in the construction game in Las Vegas and found them, for the most part, to be good solid citizens. But, there is a radical element that has been outspoken in conquering the world and they are attempting to achieve their goal one place at a time. According to William J. Federer, author of "What every American needs to know about the Quran: A History of Islam and the United States," Muslims have been building victory mosques in prominent spots since 630 AD.…/. Whether there is the intent of the Muslims to build a victory mosque in Ground Zero, or an attempt to share diversity in a location that has devastated innocent lives is a difficult issue. We do believe in freedom for all, but should we allow the desires of one group to trump the heartache of another? The New York Daily news seems to think so.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shalom...or else

Just as the Eyjafjallajokull volcano, in Iceland, suddenly erupted spewing ash across Europe, Israel is nearing the boiling point in relations with the Arab world. The current administration appears to be backing away from the obvious solution while trying to recommend peace policy's that put the weight of the problem on the shoulders of Israel. The Israeli's, who were the original inhabitants of the Mediterranean coastal property, were given their ancestral rights once again in 1947. They have been subject to terrorist attacks and war since their return. They are surrounded by Arab states. Many of these Muslims do not want Israel to remain. The United States has been a solid ally to these tough, hard working Jews who are direct descendants of Abraham.
The Iranian government led by figure head Ahmadinejad has claimed a desire to annihilate Israel. They, who once were America's ally under the Shaw's regime, are now working on a project to develop nuclear arms. If the US policy remains in the position of placing responsibility of peace with Israel, the ensuing effort of destruction will grow in the minds of the notoriously aggressive Arab neighbors. Obama must defend Israel if peaceful negotiations are to be realized in this hot box of tensions.
The Israeli's have given in to pressure from the West in negotiations about land...and each time they do, the Palestinians come in and do nothing to develop a workable relationship or at least to be good neighbors with solid fences. In fact, they allow terrorists to continually harass the border towns were Israeli's dwell. Israel's rights are documented and earned. We, as a Christian nation, have an ancestral tie with Israel....there is an association with Muslims also, that goes back to Abraham, but these cousins have always been an aggressive force in the world...they must be stopped...influenced with kindness or force, if necessary, to live peaceably. It would be to our best interest as a people with real humanitarian values to protect the rights of the Israeli people.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Let Freedom Ring

State Governments have filed lawsuits against the 2.5 trillion dollar Obama Health Care Bill, Former New York Gov. Pataki is in the process of forming a non-profit lobby group seeking one million e-mail signatures to repeal the health bill and The Tea Party folks are back in the original location, Boston, some 237 years later. Some administration officials are saying this is all for not...58 percent of those polled claim that this bill is not in our best interest, but 38 percent don't think that repeal has a chance. The 2010 vote this fall will tell the tale. Every seat in the House of Representatives is up for bid...we shall see if the pollsters are accurate or not.

The Tea Partiers are growing daily...the enthusiasm is definitely not diminishing. It does my heart good to see every day common working folks...Mr. and Mrs. Apathetic America finally standing up, raising their collective voices and declaring their political opinion to the passionate demeanor, at that. All this is reminiscent of the fervor that started this country on the pathway to liberty. 1773 was the year when colonists, who were taxed beyond their ability to tolerate, dumped the King's tea into Boston Harbor. It was just one event that lead to the Declaration of Independence, eventual freedom and the birth of the Greatest Nation on Earth.
It's a tough battle to fight against the government...General Washington and his rag tag band of volunteers, by the grace of the Almighty, prevailed in their efforts against the mightiest military force in the world in that time period. The States have stood up against the Federal government before...we'll see. And Gov. Pataki could rally enough support to be effective...let's see 58 percent of 300 million...that's a sizable number ...once again, we'll just have to watch and wait...or maybe you could become pro-active...start your own Tea Party movement and cast your e-mail vote on Pataki's website...speaking of voting, it's coming up this's your civic duty. It's time to Rally Round the Flag !!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Republicans are seeing an opportunity to cash-in on the very distraught electorate. The passing of the Health Care Bill in March has caused quite a stir among the so-called benefactors. The overwhelming costs and the uncertain administrative aspects have the home folks more than a bit troubled. In 1994, the Grand Old Party brainstormed and came up with the inspired concept that they labeled, a "Contract with America". The seats in the House of Representaives were reminiscent of our youthful musical chairs with the Republicans taking over the house for the first time in forty years. But, the glory was soon over as the Democrats reversed this action in a decade or so. It's all because the Republicans shifted to the left a bit more than the voters wanted. Get the message? If the GOP really wants control of the house this upcoming election, then formulate a conservative platform based on lowering taxes, lessening government influence in our lives, cutting the budget; by utilizing the suggestions of the Little Hoover Commission, as Gov. Rampton of Utah did in the 1960's and setting a standard of honesty and good fiscal management. If they will adhere to these basic ideals, we as a Nation will prosper and our valued cultural ethics will flourish. It will take some time for the affect of these tried and true principles to be realized by the hard core socialists, but the victory will benefit us all.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Let the Administrative Follies Begin !!
After a bill gets passed, the bureacracy puts action to the rhetoric. The huge question is, can they make all these wonderful pollyanish ideas of health care really function in a cohesive manner?One that would make our founders proud? Will they be able to invoke a system that really fixes the insurmountable issues of cost vs. effective health care in a timely manner. We already have the best medical care in the world. Innovations come on the scene on a daily basis; new research yields astonishing results. Longevity is increasing every year. Students are clamoring to get into the medical profession to enrich our lives and to discover that magic cure.
Do you really think that our government, no matter who is in the White House, will be able manage this huge appropriation of government funding and decision making on a reasonable basis?
There are over two thousand pages in this behemoth. Some parts of the bill don't even pertain to health care, like the government taking over student more private funding. What? more importantly, why?
I am more than willing to help those 15 million souls that are not currently insured. There are roughly 150 million working stiffs that are paying taxes in this country...out of 300 million,
hmmm...anyway, we can all pitch in 100 dollars or so to help the underinsured. As long as they are legal, I'm pleased to help. But, to turn this country into a seriously socialist state for no rational reason is ridiculous. Socialism has never worked to the level that the American capitalist system has performed. We do more philanthropic work around the world every day than has ever been accomplished in history.
You have all seen the affects of big government in the Social Security game, the Medicare fiasco and Amtrak...they are all broke. Shall we dance to the same tune again. There has got to be a better way...sure we need health care reform, but let's do it the American enterprise.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Administrative Nightmare...
They actually pulled it off...they call it a victory. 219-212 was the final tally in the House. 35 Democrats and all of the Republicans voted NO! There are, at last count, 14 states that are filing lawsuits claiming the unconstitutionality of the Obama Care Health Bill. The administrative issues, mandates, organizational chaos will be tremendous. There will be battles in courtrooms around the nation for decades. Long after President Obama, Rep. Pelosi and Sen. Reid are gone...the lawyers will be raking in the loot. You and I will be paying the tab....billions. The result will be that maybe, just maybe the 10% of our current population that doesn't have health care(not counting the illegals that should go home)will receive some form of health care.
The real problem is the legal profession that defies any attempt to alter the limits on medical or malpractice lawsuits. If the government would reign these folks in, the insurance companies could ease up on their premiums. If the states would allow the underwriters to cross state lines the free market would kick in and the insurance companies, once again could reduce their premiums. If there was some pressure on the insurance companies by interest groups then guessed it, the insurance companies could get it. If we could form a nation health pool, administered by an independent source, then maybe...just maybe the insurance companies could reduce their premiums; Doctors would stay in the game and could make a decent living...Medicaide would still be in effect and maybe in the black and because there would be reasonable premiums for everyone...maybe the emergency rooms might clear out somewhat and the hospitals, once again, may be come solvent...just a thought.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

2010 and then...

This is the year that we begin taking our country onward to the place that our Founding Fathers intended it to be. WE have the power to vote, and many of these overstuffed fat cats are going to have to retire...I don't care what party affiliation you have, this is the criteria for stay or go...this is too simple...ready? If you, as a Senator or Congressman, have voted for more spending on any issue in the last are gone. If you...same people...have voted in any way for more government are out like a streetlight in the early morn...if you have voted contrary to your majority electorate in your district....there is the door...If you have even thought of misinterpreting the greatest work of humanity, that was and is still an inspiration from the Almighty can relish the memories when you were once part of the great American political system...oh, yes you can still your own home town.
Once we release these errant souls, it is just the beginning. 2012 will remove the balance of the rust and decay that has hindered this once crystaline system of FREE GOVERNMENT...The intent was real, the result can be...if we will just band together as Americans...forget the hyphen... join in the same understanding that men much wiser and more guided than we are, have in this glorious movement...It's time to be a true American again.

Keep the Party going...

It's March. Obama and his minions thought that they would have this health care fiasco wrapped up in the early fall...WE must not give up on our principals of smaller government. ' They' are starting to crumble. They are those that desire us to follow along in their big spending just happens that the Progressive ( ha ) Democrats are in the left seat...sorry for the double... They need the pressure put upon them to not vote on spending the entire country into oblivion, or we will vote to put them into the annals of history. Once again, when government stays out of the way and lets the American Spirit shine forth, we can overcome any obstacle....
Listen, take notes....cut spending, I repeat cut spending...hence, cut taxes....more taxes than you are even the doors for free enterprise to prevail...
If this is accomplished in a real effort, then businesses will grow...the tax base will widen...more money in the coffers...then trim back the lawsuits....allow the Nation to enjoy an open market for medical insurance and then you government folks just take care of the military and the highways...and the general welfare...that doesn't mean handouts, either. If you can possibly deal with those basic issues, by deal with, I mean leave us alone...then we shall see prosperity for all...and the party in charge will look real good to the electorate.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Whitehouse has just opened the door to they say. They have allowed some of the Republican points to be allowed into the faltering health care bill, although I'm not sure of why the need for more regulation on the Fed Level... Why do these people not listen to the folks? What is so wrong with free market?Let the insurance industry be allowed to become open to all states, allow each state to regulate the insurance companies, rein in the lawyers...and keep the Feds out of the game.
Thomas Jefferson knew the outcome when he said, "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them". He also said, "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." I know that the bureaucracy feeds upon itself, but we need to vote these people out of office who don't heed to the will of the people. It matters not if they think it is for our best interest, because their ideas are based on power and a socialist plan that has never worked favorably in the history of mankind.. The founding Fathers had the idea of a Republic, where only the elected should decide on the direction of our country, but as Benjamin Franklin indicated, our freedom is predicated on personal responsibility....the original intent was based on integrity and decency for the betterment of all...the current leadership has a contrary opinion for our great land...and should be drummed out, never to return again.....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Tea Party activists must be doing what they hope to have accomplished as the Obama Administration appears to be floundering in their inability to come to a consensus on several major bills. Also, it has gotten the attention of some so-called grass roots groups, in that they are channeling funds from some Left wing organizations to thwart the Right wing "rebellion". Who are the true grass roots people in this country. Those that are trying to forever change the way America governs herself, or the folks that like things pretty much the way they are. We have been easing into a Socialist State for a couple of decades, now. Okay, compassion for the down-trodden is a good thing, but not at the huge, life altering, nation diminishing, futuristic demise of generations to come type of pressure. Let's try not to reinvent the wheel...what is wrong with personal accountability...standing on our own two feet....get the government out of the way of capitalism and we will all prosper.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Where will it turn around?

Hello, I'm John.
This blog is to explore the efforts of our leadership, be they positive or destructive to our Nation. There are many new programs being implemented by the current administration. There seems to be a rash of dollars being created and lavished about, but is the effectiveness worth the indebtedness and is there a glimmer of any positive results. The original concept of the legislators being servants of the voters may have been lost in the overzealous desire to fix a problem. The dilemna is that the underlying issues may be that the fox has been elected to guard the proverbial hen house....more later.