One of the major ketchup companies ran an advertising campaign a few years ago that expressed the hope of finding the desired flavor in the ever so slow first drop of the product upon whatever foodstuff was patiently awaiting..."anticipation" was sung in the background... a clip from Carly Simon's hit tune....
A majority of American citizens are feeling the same type of anticipation...hoping to gain some confidence in the newly elected legislative body. The
confidence in the president's ability to guide us in a positive direction has been floundering just under the mid-mark. The Congress on the other hand is in the proverbial tank...less than a third of our nation has even a hint of confidence in those that create laws in this land of law and order...
The Tea Party folks flocked to the polls and elected about 100 new faces to reinstate cherished values into the
doldrum known as Capitol Hill. The
electorate feared for the basic security known as American freedom, rallied around the country in peaceful, but fervent protest and supported candidates who espoused the tried and true mantra of red-blooded Americanism. The voting booths ran red with Republican chads, dashes, dots and any other electoral mark that would denote conservative ideology. The battle cry of liberty reverberated through the hinterlands and awakened the fervor that was reminiscent of the patriots that founded this great country.
What Now?...are we going to see some positive legislation that reinstates liberties, reduces government influence in our personal lives and businesses and curtails the ever burgeoning debt? Are we going to see some legitimate political action
that is based on what is really good for all of America, rather than
agendized for a select few? Are we going to see capitalism reinstated as the most reasonable form of economic prosperity, rather than the irksome socialist mentality that has drained the coffers of the federal government, the states and the entrepreneurial spirit? The anticipation is resounding all over the world.
Economies of other nations are counting on our can-do attitude to clean up this mess. This country has the most generous philanthropic kindness that has ever been known.
If the influx of the newly elected will just be good honest people who set an example of trust and teach sound principles of personal responsibility, the anticipation will be rewarded with prosperity and deep, well earned pride for all Americans....