Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shalom...or else

Just as the Eyjafjallajokull volcano, in Iceland, suddenly erupted spewing ash across Europe, Israel is nearing the boiling point in relations with the Arab world. The current administration appears to be backing away from the obvious solution while trying to recommend peace policy's that put the weight of the problem on the shoulders of Israel. The Israeli's, who were the original inhabitants of the Mediterranean coastal property, were given their ancestral rights once again in 1947. They have been subject to terrorist attacks and war since their return. They are surrounded by Arab states. Many of these Muslims do not want Israel to remain. The United States has been a solid ally to these tough, hard working Jews who are direct descendants of Abraham.
The Iranian government led by figure head Ahmadinejad has claimed a desire to annihilate Israel. They, who once were America's ally under the Shaw's regime, are now working on a project to develop nuclear arms. If the US policy remains in the position of placing responsibility of peace with Israel, the ensuing effort of destruction will grow in the minds of the notoriously aggressive Arab neighbors. Obama must defend Israel if peaceful negotiations are to be realized in this hot box of tensions.
The Israeli's have given in to pressure from the West in negotiations about land...and each time they do, the Palestinians come in and do nothing to develop a workable relationship or at least to be good neighbors with solid fences. In fact, they allow terrorists to continually harass the border towns were Israeli's dwell. Israel's rights are documented and earned. We, as a Christian nation, have an ancestral tie with Israel....there is an association with Muslims also, that goes back to Abraham, but these cousins have always been an aggressive force in the world...they must be stopped...influenced with kindness or force, if necessary, to live peaceably. It would be to our best interest as a people with real humanitarian values to protect the rights of the Israeli people.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Let Freedom Ring

State Governments have filed lawsuits against the 2.5 trillion dollar Obama Health Care Bill, Former New York Gov. Pataki is in the process of forming a non-profit lobby group seeking one million e-mail signatures to repeal the health bill and The Tea Party folks are back in the original location, Boston, some 237 years later. Some administration officials are saying this is all for not...58 percent of those polled claim that this bill is not in our best interest, but 38 percent don't think that repeal has a chance. The 2010 vote this fall will tell the tale. Every seat in the House of Representatives is up for bid...we shall see if the pollsters are accurate or not.

The Tea Partiers are growing daily...the enthusiasm is definitely not diminishing. It does my heart good to see every day common working folks...Mr. and Mrs. Apathetic America finally standing up, raising their collective voices and declaring their political opinion to the passionate demeanor, at that. All this is reminiscent of the fervor that started this country on the pathway to liberty. 1773 was the year when colonists, who were taxed beyond their ability to tolerate, dumped the King's tea into Boston Harbor. It was just one event that lead to the Declaration of Independence, eventual freedom and the birth of the Greatest Nation on Earth.
It's a tough battle to fight against the government...General Washington and his rag tag band of volunteers, by the grace of the Almighty, prevailed in their efforts against the mightiest military force in the world in that time period. The States have stood up against the Federal government before...we'll see. And Gov. Pataki could rally enough support to be effective...let's see 58 percent of 300 million...that's a sizable number ...once again, we'll just have to watch and wait...or maybe you could become pro-active...start your own Tea Party movement and cast your e-mail vote on Pataki's website...speaking of voting, it's coming up this's your civic duty. It's time to Rally Round the Flag !!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Republicans are seeing an opportunity to cash-in on the very distraught electorate. The passing of the Health Care Bill in March has caused quite a stir among the so-called benefactors. The overwhelming costs and the uncertain administrative aspects have the home folks more than a bit troubled. In 1994, the Grand Old Party brainstormed and came up with the inspired concept that they labeled, a "Contract with America". The seats in the House of Representaives were reminiscent of our youthful musical chairs with the Republicans taking over the house for the first time in forty years. But, the glory was soon over as the Democrats reversed this action in a decade or so. It's all because the Republicans shifted to the left a bit more than the voters wanted. Get the message? If the GOP really wants control of the house this upcoming election, then formulate a conservative platform based on lowering taxes, lessening government influence in our lives, cutting the budget; by utilizing the suggestions of the Little Hoover Commission, as Gov. Rampton of Utah did in the 1960's and setting a standard of honesty and good fiscal management. If they will adhere to these basic ideals, we as a Nation will prosper and our valued cultural ethics will flourish. It will take some time for the affect of these tried and true principles to be realized by the hard core socialists, but the victory will benefit us all.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Let the Administrative Follies Begin !!
After a bill gets passed, the bureacracy puts action to the rhetoric. The huge question is, can they make all these wonderful pollyanish ideas of health care really function in a cohesive manner?One that would make our founders proud? Will they be able to invoke a system that really fixes the insurmountable issues of cost vs. effective health care in a timely manner. We already have the best medical care in the world. Innovations come on the scene on a daily basis; new research yields astonishing results. Longevity is increasing every year. Students are clamoring to get into the medical profession to enrich our lives and to discover that magic cure.
Do you really think that our government, no matter who is in the White House, will be able manage this huge appropriation of government funding and decision making on a reasonable basis?
There are over two thousand pages in this behemoth. Some parts of the bill don't even pertain to health care, like the government taking over student more private funding. What? more importantly, why?
I am more than willing to help those 15 million souls that are not currently insured. There are roughly 150 million working stiffs that are paying taxes in this country...out of 300 million,
hmmm...anyway, we can all pitch in 100 dollars or so to help the underinsured. As long as they are legal, I'm pleased to help. But, to turn this country into a seriously socialist state for no rational reason is ridiculous. Socialism has never worked to the level that the American capitalist system has performed. We do more philanthropic work around the world every day than has ever been accomplished in history.
You have all seen the affects of big government in the Social Security game, the Medicare fiasco and Amtrak...they are all broke. Shall we dance to the same tune again. There has got to be a better way...sure we need health care reform, but let's do it the American enterprise.